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Open Access Colonoscopy is available

No "out of pocket" expenses

General Practitioners or other Specialists may refer privately insured patients for a colonoscopy.


Mr Wong is able to perform a colonoscopy without prior formal consultation in his rooms. The procedure can be carried out sooner by direct referral and booking.


After the procedure a report will be provided to the patient with a brief consultation. Patients will return to the referring doctor for ongoing management.


Patients who wish to consult with Mr Wong will need to make an appointment in his rooms.



Refer a patient
  • call, fax or email a referral letter

  • include a list of patients current medications

  • include any preliminary investigations or results

  • patients will be seen within a week




Mr Wong is available to provide support and advice to referring clinicians.


Tel: 1300 858 405

Fax: 1300 858 415


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